

国观智库 2019-07-17



2019年是中华人民共和国成立70周年,也是中俄建交70周年。为了庆祝这一重要时刻,China Focus采访了俄罗斯科学院欧洲研究所高级研究员鲍里斯•古斯列多夫。他分享了自己对于5月4日结束的中俄“海上联合—2019”军事演习、俄罗斯总统普京和朝鲜最高领导人金正恩的首次会晤等时事热点,以及中俄两国未来的发展等话题的看法。

来源:微信公众号“ChinaFocus聚焦中国 (China_Focus






China Focus: 


What do you think of the  "Joint Sea-2019" exercise from April 29 to May 4 by China and Russia?



Boris Guseletov: In terms of the military, China and Russia have very good relations. Russia is one of the world leaders in this field and this cooperation should develop. As you know, President Trump decided that the United States will leave the UN Arms Trade treaty (ATT). From my point of view, it's very strange because the world needs a framework for this field. If the United States leaves the ATT, then it's very dangerous for the world.


The "Joint Sea-2019" exercise runs from April 29 to May 4, and focuses on joint sea defense. [Photo/Xinhua]


This is why relations between Russia and China in this field are very important because they should act against the United States' policy on arms so the world continue to be a more peaceful and friendly place. 


America's leadership is now pursuing a very aggressive military policy. They will leave the ATT and it's very dangerous for Europeans and Asians. For this reason, I think Russia and China should become close in this field and actively demonstrate to the world that they are not aggressive countries. We don't want to have military conflict with other countries. We prefer peaceful development and peaceful relations with other countries and other people.

China Focus: 


President Vladimir Putin met with the DPRK top leader Kim Jong-un on April 25. How do you evaluate the result of their meeting?



Boris Guseletov: I know it was the first big meeting between the leader of DPRK and Russia, but it's very complicated to evaluate the result of this meeting because they just generally discussed thefuture cooperation between each other.


DPRK's top leader Kim Jong-un returned home by train after concluding his first visit to Russia. Photo taken on April 26, 2019 shows Kim Jong-un takes part in a farewell ceremony at a railway station as he departs from Vladivostok, Russia.


Of course, they would have discussed the possibility of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, but we should wait for the result of this discussion. It was just a discussion because currently the leader of DPRK, Kim Jong-un, has multiple political international policies. He has had discussions with Trump, he has good relations with China and now he would like to establish contact with Russia.


I think that this first meeting between Putin and Kim Jong-un is just the first step in doing this. And we need a peaceful situation in the Korean peninsula.

China Focus:


What's your take on the Belt and Road Initiative's contribution to globalization?



Boris Guseletov: From my point of view, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is very important globally because currently our world is in a very complicated situation. Between the main political actors, the United States, European Union, China and Russia, their relationships are not very good. There is a lot of conflict between these actors economically and politically. There are also sanctions between some of these actors.


For this reason, the Belt and Road Initiative, this very peaceful, non-military, economic and humanitarian initiative, is very important because I think our world needs more initiatives and projects like this. We need to unite people who don't want to be involved in military conflict, humanitarian conflict, economic conflict. We need a world without sanctions and we need a peaceful world. 


A display in downtown Beijing for the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on April 25, 2019. 


I think that this initiative is very important for the younger generation. We should explain to Russian, Kazakhstanis, Kyrgyz, Uzbekistanis, and others the main goals of this initiative and explain what the benefits are for their countries and for themselves. 


I totally support BRI and I think if more countries, more organizations and more people were involved in it then it would be even better for our world. 

China Focus:


How has Central Asia benefited from the Belt and Road Initiative and how have China and Russia helped these countries?



Boris Guseletov: Central Asia is currently in a difficult situation because many of the countries in this region are very poor, for example, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan. These countries need economic help from the main actors in the region like Russia and China.


The opening ceremony of Tajikistan's first railway was held with the participation of Chinese enterprises.


Governments of these countries are trying to help their people but they don't have the finances. Chinese and Russian should help these countries to develop in the right way. 

China Focus:


What is your take on China's contribution to global governance?



Boris Guseletov: This is a very complicated issue, because the world is currently in a difficult situation. After the Second World War, we had a bi-polar-world, with two big actors——the Soviet Union and its supporters, and the United States. This kind of world system collapsed after the Soviet Union disappeared.


After that, we had a hegemonic system, with the United States as the main actor. But from my point of view and the view of many academicians, this type of world system has also finished. Now, it is a multi-polar system. China, of course, should be one of the poles of this new system and we have seen that since President Xi Jinping became the leader of this country, China has been more active in all fields and tried to play a more active role economically and politically. 


Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon parade at a medal-awarding ceremony at a camp in Hanniyah village in southern Lebanon, on April 6, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]


But China needs time to become a real political actor in this field. I hope China is a gift to the world and that the new systems of cooperation like Belt and Road, will be more peaceful, and more humanitarian. Maybe during the next five to ten years, China will become one of the poles of this new world system, together with United States, the European Union, Russia and maybe some other countries and regions. And I hope that this new world system will be more stable, more peaceful, and help people develop more.

China Focus:


How would you evaluate China and Russia's relationship over the past seventy years and how will their relationship develop in the future?



Boris Guseletov: I think Russia and China's relationship, which is celebrating seventy years of diplomatic relations this year, has gone through different periods since the end of the Second World War. In the beginning, we had very good relations and supported China economically but then it cooled during Khrushchev's leadership, until the Soviet Union collapsed.


Now, we are experiencing a new period of good relations which are very peaceful and very friendly. We have a good relationship economically, politically but there are some problems. Firstly, the economic situation in Russia is not good. If you compare Russia and China, China is now the stronger economic actor. Russia has good opportunities for cooperation with China politically and militarily, but they should develop their economic relations to create a balance between the two countries. 


This relationship should develop in a positive way. If Russia and China can cooperate on Belt and Road Initiative or combine it with Russian Eurasian Economic Union initiative, it will be better for Russia, for our people and for the world.


Many international academicians think that the world is going to become a multipolar system and Russia and China should play a very important role in this new system. We have different cultures, we have different economic levels and political levels, but Russia and China share the same approach to developing a peaceful world without sanctions and conflict. For this reason, I think our cooperation is very important.

China Focus:


This year also marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. How would you evaluate China's development over the past seventy years?



Boris Guseletov: I think that China has gone through different periods of development during these seventy years. 


But now China is one of the two biggest global economic players in the world. China should continue moving forward on this road of not only developing its economy but also being more involved in international relations, in world politics, working with other countries in humanitarianism to help poor countries develop.

China Focus: 


What is your expectation for China's future? Could you give us a celebratory message for China?



Boris Guseletov: I believe that China's development in the near future will be very good. China's new leadership has tried to keep on the one hand, the old traditions of Chinese politics and culture, whilst on the other hand, give a chance to make China more modern and give China a chance to be one of the two best economic players in the world. For this reason, I wish the Chinese people to keep this destination, to be more open, more active in the international field and to help other countries develop.


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